What Size Split System Do I Need?

Shopping for a new air conditioner can sometimes be a daunting task. You have plenty of options, including the type of system. A split system air conditioner is the most popular these days because of its convenience and energy efficiency. But one crucial question you need to answer is this: what size do you need?

Before you rush out and buy an aircon, make sure that you have the correct split system size for your home. If it’s too big, you end up wasting power. Meanwhile, you will not benefit from the appliance if it is too small. It will not be enough to cool your space and can easily cause quick wear and tear. This blog will guide you in air conditioning sizes so you have the right system for your home.

How Big is the Area You Need to Cool?

It’s important to note that “size” does not refer to the length or width of the appliance. It pertains to the system’s power. Bear this simple fact in mind when calculating the size of the split system you intend to buy.

One of the first things to consider is the size of the room itself. Take the measurements of the space to determine the appropriate split system size. It’s time to test your mathematical skills, but don’t worry; it’s not that difficult. Simply follow the steps below:

  • Calculate the floor area of the space you will cool or heat (if you plan to get a reverse cycle air conditioner) by measuring its length and width first.
  • Multiply the numbers you got, which will tell you the measurement in square metres. For example, if your room is six metres wide and five metres long, the answer is 30 square metres (m2).
  • Get the ceiling height. Typically, ceilings are about 2.4 metres high. However, yours could deviate from the standard, perhaps around 2.7 metres to 3 metres.
  • Take note of the ceiling height, which will dictate the watts of the aircon you should purchase. Here is your guide:
      • 2.4 metres: Get a 150-watt aircon.
      • 2.7 metres: Choose an aircon with 160 watts.
      • 3 metres: Pick one that’s 175 watts.
  • Using the guide above and the previous numbers, let us say that your ceiling height was 2.7 metres. With your 30-square metre floor space, you can get the total wattage as follows: 30m2 x 160 watts. You get 4,800 watts.
  • Now convert the watts to kilowatts, which is the standard unit of power. Based on the example, 4,800 = 4.8kW.

Using the sample measurement above, you can figure out the best-split system size that will work best for your space. If you get under 4.8kW, it will work harder to keep your room cool, costing you higher electric and maintenance bills.

The same concept is applied to buying something too big for your space. Anything over 4.8kW will cool your home quicker than suitable, causing dehumidifying losses.

Is Your Roof Insulated?

Most homes are insulated unless it is a very old property. If so, you will need to ensure it is properly insulated to avoid overworking the system, leading to high electric bills. That’s because the insulation is crucial in regulating your home’s temperature. It ensures that cool air remains inside the house in summer whilst trapping warm air in winter.

If your home is not insulated, you may need a bigger system. We do not recommend this as it results in higher power bills and will quickly wear down the system.

Once you’ve decided on a split system, the next step is to work out what size split system you need.

Where Will You Install the Split System Air Conditioner?

Always install the split system in an elevated area. This trick allows cool air to move downwards, which further helps the system do its work. However, if your space does not permit installation in a higher position, you will have to buy a larger unit.

The calculation we have given above is primarily for single rooms with a door you can open and close. So, what happens if you have an open space area? You will require a larger unit since the airflow will restrict cooling or heating in particular places. This is true if several doors and windows are uncovered, as well. It’s difficult to maintain the desired temperature in an open space or where you have to turn to a corner and then a hall. If this is your case, please opt for a more powerful system.

Here’s a quick guide:

  • Living Room: Place it near the area where you sit the most.
  • Bedroom: Position it in an area where the air does not hit the bed directly; otherwise, you could wake up with a sore throat or even a nasty cold. It’s best to place it off the side, usually behind the bed.
  • Other Areas: The key is to note that warm air rises and cool air sinks. Therefore, installing your aircon higher up on the wall will help cool the space more evenly.

To minimise cooling or heating loss, it’s useful to install indoor and outdoor units closer to each other. It’s also required to have at least 15 cm of unobstructed sections at the top and sides of the indoor unit for optimal airflow.

Which Way Does the Room Face?

Remember that a split system has two units, so you should consider the outdoor unit’s location. It helps to have the outdoor unit on a south or north-facing wall to prevent the sun from damaging the parts. Leaving it in an east or west-facing wall will heat the unit as the sun hits these directions and will increase the entire system’s workload.

This same principle applies to your indoor unit. Typically, a southern-facing room will be cooler, depending on your location. We recommend that you look for a central place where you aim to cool, which ensures that airflow will be evenly distributed.

Do You Need Help?

We understand that air conditioning sizes can become confusing, especially with so many options today. However, it is crucial to get it right so you can save money, reduce energy use, and enjoy the cooling and heating benefits of your split system. To make everything simpler, please get in touch with Joondalup Heating & Cooling for help with the correct split system size for your home.

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